Make your organization’s next event even more spectacular by becoming a Teals Prairie & Co. gift card partner. As a partner, you’ll receive FREE gift cards that your organization, donors, volunteers, event attendees, and other members of your community can redeem to build their own personalized gifts.
Eligibility Information
Both small and large nonprofit organizations that host fundraisers, community programs, annual meetings, and other events are welcome to apply free of charge! If your organization hosts events that regularly attract crowds of 100 or more, or you have a smaller organization that reaches 100 people annually then you’re perfect for the partner program.
Why Partner With Teals Prairie & Co.?
Our free gift card partner program benefits all parties involved. The gift cards, your organization’s custom card design, and shipping are all free of cost. This gives your organization a cost effective and meaningful way to express gratitude to those that support you.
People that receive your gift cards can build their own personalized gift FREE! They’ll select from several gift options, send their customization instructions, and have our design team create custom engravable artwork. This card never expires. In addition, the personalized gift, design, and shipping is free as well.
TP&Co. benefits because we’re able to help charitable organizations like yours while also promoting our business in an honest and engaging way. Since launching our gift card program in November 2019, we’ve shipped thousands of free personalized gifts for our partner’s organizations.
Measurable Results
We recently partnered with the Northern New Mexico Food Bank for an annual fundraiser called The Souper Bowl. This event features a soup cooking competition between restaurants from around the state. All proceeds of this event go towards feeding vulnerable members of the Northern New Mexico community.
Several thousand people went to The Souper Bowl and 1,500 gift cards were given away at the event. Hundreds of attendees, participating vendors, event volunteers, and Northern New Mexico Food Bank volunteers received gift cards for attending. Several hundred built their custom gift immediately after the event, and every month since we’ve had hundreds of eventgoers redeem their cards as well.
From this information, it was clear to us that this gift card program is beneficial to organizations, fundraising event attendees, and for our business. Your organization can expect similar results by giving a free personalized gift to all your supporters. Since this event, we’ve partnered with even more organizations nationwide. See a list of our current and upcoming gift card partners here.
Join Our Gift Card Partner Program
If you think that your organization is a good fit for our gift card partner program, please reach out to us. We look forward to hearing about your organization and the upcoming events you’re hosting. Use the support chat button in the lower right corner of the page to contact us at any time.
Friendly Free Advice
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